php - yii multiselect dropdown with search property? -

i want searchable multiselect dropdown.i have seen yii multiselect , echmultiselect extension these not according need. please suggest ext or code this. suggestion appreciated.

dropdown example - same stackoverflow uses tags input.

you can use chosen plugin. available yii extension, called chosen widget

example of usage:

    //1st step make list box proper selector     <?php echo chtml::activelistbox($model, 'attribute', $data, array('class'=>'chosen', 'multiple'=>true, 'data-placeholder'=>'select')) ?>      //2nd step use widget     <?php $this->widget('ext.chosen.echosenwidget',array(         'selector'=>'.chosen',     )); ?> 

it magic , convert normal multiple select searchable multiple select. of course there lot of options, described in chosen plugin documentation.


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