nunit - Jenkins CI: 'NumberFormatException: empty String' -

we have jenkins installation , projects tested nunit. works fine , writes nunit results xml file. have 'publish nunit test result report' post-build step. since friday produces error:

recording nunit tests results error: step ‘publish nunit test result report’ aborted due exception: remote file operation failed: c:\jenkins\workspace\xxx @ failed read c:\jenkins\workspace\xxx\temporary-junit-reports\test-xxx_tests.testswithrealservers.testwithtwolocals_1_2.xml     @ hudson.filepath.act(     @ hudson.filepath.act(     @ hudson.plugins.nunit.nunitpublisher.gettestresult(     [...]  caused by: failed read c:\jenkins\workspace\xxx\temporary-junit-reports\test-xxx_tests.testswithrealservers.testwithtwolocals_1_2.xml     @ hudson.tasks.junit.testresult.parse(     @ hudson.tasks.junit.testresult.parsepossiblyempty(     @ hudson.tasks.junit.testresult.parse(     [...]     ... 13 more caused by: java.lang.numberformatexception: empty string     @ sun.misc.floatingdecimal.readjavaformatstring(unknown source)     @ sun.misc.floatingdecimal.parsefloat(unknown source)     @ java.lang.float.parsefloat(unknown source)     [...] archiving artifacts finished: failure 

the xml file present in working directory. mentioned first line of file looks this:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?><testsuite errors="0" failures="0" name="xxx_tests.testswithrealservers.testwithtwolocals" skipped="6" tests="6" time=""> 

so guess fails because time attribe empty.

does how can fix or why error occurs? thanks!

did upgrade jenkins junit plugin 1.12? there reported issue in update. might try downgrading 1.11.


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