cypher - Cannot successfully import csv to neo4j -

i trying import csv file neo4j database using following query:

using periodic commit  load csv headers "file:///i:/traces.csv" row  merge (e:event {systemcall: coalesce(row.syscall, "no value"), returnvalue: coalesce(row.retvalue,"no value"), returntime: coalesce(row.rettime,"no value"), calltime: coalesce(row.calltime,"no value")})  merge (s:subject {processname: coalesce(row.processname, "no value"), pid: coalesce(, "no value"), tid: coalesce(row.tid, "no value")}) merge (o:object {argument1: coalesce(row.arg1, "no value"), argument2: coalesce(row.arg2, "no value")})  merge (e)-[:is_generated_by]->(s) merge (e)-[:affects]->(o) merge (e)-[:affects] ->(s) 

the csv file hosted @ location:

the query takes 80k milliseconds run returns no row. please help.

there 2 problems.

  1. you must not have superfluous whitespace around comma delimiters in csv files. (also, should eliminate 11 commas @ end of each line).
  2. every field name in csv file header has match corresponding property name in cypher query. currently, of names different.

by way, when talking cypher query, term "return" refers return clause. question has nothing return clause, , data creation.


in addition, if want import huge amount of data brand new neo4j db, should consider using import tool instead. faster load csv.


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