How to run a command in .sh file during startup for Intel Edison? -

as there no rc.local file in intel edison, how run command in .sh file during startup? i'm running iwconfig wlan0 | grep -e -o ".{0,1}-.{0,6} |.{0,4}mb/s.{0,3}|.{0,3}/70.{0,0}" , want execute during every startup , save text file.

intel edison uses systemd handling services. can find these services in /lib/systemd/system , e.g., create copy of iotkit-agent.service, rename .service , modify accordingly.

now have is

 systemctl daemon-reload  systemctl start <yourscript>.service 

to run script on boot, can enable running

systemctl enable <yourscript>.service  

now reboot , see if runs script. can check status running command

systemctl status <yourscript>.service 


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