Does android mediaplayer supports HLS audio streams? -

we have developed application plays mp4 audio streams. want replace mp4 streams hls streams(.m3u8) ios has out of box support playing hls streams. have tried playing streams android 5.1 , 6.0 devices , appears have hls support native android media player.

but on of 4.4 version devices saw mediaplayer became unresponsive while doing operations seek() etc.

can confirm whether native android mediaplayer has full support hls streams (.m3u8) ?

i have same problem in case need play video.

though newer versions of android os tend perform better, android fragmentation still problem , depending on android version, hls may:

  • not supported @ (android 2.3, gingerbread)

  • cause devices crash (android 3.0, honeycomb)

  • lack seeking ability, feature distorted images, , restart videos when in fullscreen (android 4.0, ice cream sandwich)

  • lack seeking ability, , throw error , crash when in fullscreen (android 4.1, jelly bean)

i've found possible solutions:

finally im using exoplayer android 4.1 , mediaplayer in previous versions.

gradle dependency: compile ''


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