javascript - Passing Server Side Javacript Array to Client -

i have select menu displaying list of options

i need use server side javascript call external 3rd party db, , return , array. , have client side javascript calling array , populating options in select menu.

i not how can pass array server side client side. client side javscript , server side javascript, not how pass array server client side. input appreciated. code below.

server side javascript

var arrayoptions = new array(); arrayoptions= //call db here       for(var = 0; < arrayoptions.length; i++) {   var opt = arrayoptions[i];   arrayoptions.push(opt); } 

client side javascript

function getoptions(arrayoptions){   var select = document.getelementbyid("seloption");   for(var = 0; < arrayoptions.length; i++) {   var opt = arrayoptions[i];   var el = document.createelement("option");   el.textcontent = opt;   el.value = opt;   select.appendchild(el);  } 

well, passing data server client involves ajax requests. instance, post request, can sent server , server can respond you'd like. i'm not sure how you're running server, slight feeling might not running server exactly. advice learn how client/server communication works first, sending array easy sending string or number. suggested reading:

node.js - serverside javascript ajax - sending data server without reloading page


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