Jquery.height() return 0 for an img tag -

<script type="text/javascript" src="jquery-1.4.full.js"></script> <body> </body> <script type="text/javascript"> var jdialog = $('<div id="avatar_button_clipdiv" style="width: 668px; height: 425px">\ <img width="668" height="900" src="http://localhost/1_tmp.jpg" style="">\ </div>').appendto('body');     console.log(jdialog.find('img'));     console.log(jdialog.find('img').width(),jdialog.find('img').height()); </script> 

this code works fine after put alone in file,the height() returns right value instead of 0,but when put full html file,it returns 0 instead of real value,it weired , not have idea on possiblely make act differently.

i've edited css file before run code,can not remember lines of css had edited.the selectors correct , i've checked return object,nothing wrong either in seperate code or original html file.can shed light on css changes make kind of difference while using $().height();


i've spot on following css code , after commented them ,the height can retrieved correctly,but still have no idea why happening,here code

img {   width: auto\9;   height: auto;   max-width: 100%;   vertical-align: middle;   border: 0;   -ms-interpolation-mode: bicubic; } 

height: auto; i've commneted out,but how height:auto effected $().height();

the code shared seems job ran in jsfiddle link:

var jdialog = $('<div id="avatar_button_clipdiv" style="width: 68px; height: 125px">\ <img width="50" height="100" src="https://www.google.co.il/images/srpr/logo4w.png" style=""/>\ </div>').appendto('body'); console.log(jdialog.find('img')); console.log(jdialog.find('img').width(),jdialog.find('img').height()); 

does happes on specific browser?


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