storage - Best way to store and push contact info on Cordova apps -

i writing cordova-based app, serves organisation's internal phonebook app. contains data of individuals, such phone number , e-mail

the employee database on microsoft sql server. planned database partially duplicated on client side, making app usable while offline.

so, here questions , concerns:

  • in format should store data? json seems not when it's time searching.
  • how store data? if it's json, fliereader/writer seems okay, if it's not json it's going harder.
  • what best way duplicate database? have admit have no idea here.

html5 storage in cordova has been known come couple of quirks. need first identify device platform supporting can pick best choice html5 storage option.

one alternative i've seen people use pouchdb. makes database syncs easier manage. know you're using ms sql server, still might want take look. see if microsoft has similar.


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