vba - split a value from a range of column and color the duplicate value using vb macro -

i have bolow requirement of had achieved few still need help

  1. if status in g column = ready retest or passed
  2. then if there values in column c, take/split duplicate id in column c separated comma(,)
  3. search duplicate id in column , mark green color

[![example data][1]][1]

ex. in row 1 defect id cms-921 there 2 duplicate id 44 , 163693. need values in column a.

  1. if status of defects (44 , 163693) not closed need mark entire row in green color

example of current code:

sub findduplicatecolorit() last row dim report worksheet dim integer, j integer dim lastrow integer  set report = excel.worksheets("sheet2")                                        lastrow = report.usedrange.rows.count  application.screenupdating = false = 2 lastrow  j = 2 lastrow     if report.cells(i, 4).value <> ""_        , report.cells(i, 7).value = "ready   retest"_        , report.cells(i, 1).value = "jira"   'this omit blank cells @ end  '(in event column lengths not equal).          if instr(1, report.cells(j, 2).value, report.cells(i, 3).value, vbtextcompare) > 0  ' need logic need value colum d,  'split , find value in column , color row green/any.              = split(activecell.value, ",")             text = 0 ubound(a)             msgbox a(text)             next text              exit         else         end if     end if  next j next  application.screenupdating = true  end sub 

venkat ... use example of logic. need add things avoid / capture errors, sure.

sub findduplicatecolorit() dim report worksheet dim a() string dim long, j long dim lastrow long, chkrow long  set report = excel.worksheets("sheet3") lastrow = report.usedrange.rows.count  application.screenupdating = false = 2 lastrow     if report.cells(i, 4).value <> "" , _         (instr(report.cells(i, 7).value, "ready retest") > 0 or _          instr(report.cells(i, 7).value, "passed") > 0) , _         instr(report.cells(i, 1).value, "jira") > 0 'this omit blank cells @ end (in event column lengths not equal.          = split(report.cells(i, 3).value, ",")         j = 0 ubound(a)             chkrow = report.range("b1:b" & lastrow).find(a(j)).row             if chkrow > 0                 if not instr(report.cells(chkrow, 7).value, "closed") > 0                     debug.print report.range("a" & i).address                     report.range("a" & i).entirerow.interior.color = vbgreen                 end if             end if         next j     end if next  application.screenupdating = true  end sub 


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