ios - Collection mutated while being enumerated crash in a switch case -

i'm using library srwebsocket , have following crash: there seems no loop except main srwebsocket loop calling handlemessage:

fatal exception: nsgenericexception *** collection <_nsfaultingmutableset: 0x14f60ced0> mutated while being enumerated.  fatal exception: nsgenericexception 0  corefoundation                 0x181e0ae38 __exceptionpreprocess 1  libobjc.a.dylib                0x18146ff80 objc_exception_throw 2  corefoundation                 0x181e0a86c -[nsexception name] 3  appname                         0x1002507b0 -[websocketclient notification:] (websocketclient.m:534) 4  appname                         0x10024fa68 -[websocketclient websocket:didreceivemessage:] (websocketclient.m:223) 5  appname                         0x10017c260 __30-[srwebsocket _handlemessage:]_block_invoke (srwebsocket.m:741) 6  libdispatch.dylib              0x1818554bc _dispatch_call_block_and_release 7  libdispatch.dylib              0x18185547c _dispatch_client_callout 8  libdispatch.dylib              0x18185ab84 _dispatch_main_queue_callback_4cf 9  corefoundation                 0x181dc0dd8 __cfrunloop_is_servicing_the_main_dispatch_queue__ 10 corefoundation                 0x181dbec40 __cfrunlooprun 11 corefoundation                 0x181ce8d10 cfrunlooprunspecific 12 graphicsservices               0x1835d0088 gseventrunmodal 13 uikit                          0x186fbdf70 uiapplicationmain 14 appname                         0x1003201e4 main (appdelegate.swift:18) 15 libdispatch.dylib              0x1818868b8 (missing) 

first call in srwebsocket:

- (void)_handlemessage:(id)message {     srfastlog(@"received message");     [self _performdelegateblock:^{         [self.delegate websocket:self didreceivemessage:message];     }]; } 
  • delegate class websocketclient -

first function call:

- (void)websocket:(srwebsocket *)websocket didreceivemessage:(id)message {    nsdictionary *dict = [message objectfromjsonstring];   int code = [[dict objectforkey:@"msgcode"] intvalue];   messagetype messagetype = [[dict objectforkey:@"msgtype"] intvalue];    if (self.loginblock != nil && _autologining == no) {      [self feedbackloginblock:dict];      [self sendtoken];   }else{     switch (messagetype) {       case messagetypereply:       {         nsstring *matchidentify = [dict objectforkey:@"msgid"];         [self checkwaitingblockqueue:matchidentify code:code message:dict];       }         break;       case messagetypereceivemessage:{         [self parsereadmessagefeedback:dict];         nsinteger receiveint = self.receivenumber.intvalue;         receiveint ++;         self.receivenumber = [nsnumber numberwithinteger:receiveint];       }         break;       case messagetypeaddgroup:{         [self addmembertogroup:dict];       }         break;       case messagetypedeletegroup:{         [self deletememberfromgroup:dict];       }         break;       case messagetypenotifymsgtype:{         nsdictionary *content = [dict objectforkey:@"datacontent"];         [self notification:content]; <<< line 223       }    } } 

second call:

- (void)sendmessage:(message *)message resultblock:(messagereplyblock )block {    messageblock *messageblock = [self createmessageblock:block];   [_waitingblockqueue addobject:messageblock];    nsnumber *push;   if(message.belongtosession.withsomebody) {      push = [nsnumber numberwithint:1];   }else{     push = [nsnumber numberwithint:0];    }   nsmutabledictionary *dict = [nsmutabledictionary dictionarywithobjectsandkeys:                                messageblock.matchmessageid, @"matchid",                                message.messagetype, @"msgtype",                                message.sourcetype, @"msgsourcet",                                message.textcontent, @"msgtextcontent",                                _currentuser.contactid, @"from",                                push, @"push",                                nil];   messagetype messagetype = [message.messagetype integervalue];   messagesourcetype sourcetype = [message.sourcetype integervalue];   nsnumber *tocontactid = message.touser.contactid;   if (tocontactid == nil) {     return;   }    if ([message.whispertype isequaltonumber:@1]) {     [dict setobject:@1 forkey:@"option"];     [dict setobject:message.whispertimecount forkey:@"msgtimer"];   }    switch (messagetype) {     case messagetypeimage:     {       [dict setobject:message.bigimagepath forkey:@"msgbigsrc"];       [dict setobject:message.smallimagepath forkey:@"msgsmallsrc"]; <<< line 534     }       break;     case messagetypeofflineaudio:     {       [dict setobject:message.websourcepath forkey:@"msgurl"];       [dict setobject:message.voicetime forkey:@"msgvoicetime"];      }       break;     case messagetypemap:     {       nsstring *latitude = [message.latitude stringvalue];       nsstring *longitude = [message.longitude stringvalue];        if (latitude.length > 0 && longitude.length > 0) {         [dict setobject:latitude forkey:@"lat"];         [dict setobject:longitude forkey:@"lng"];       }     }       break;      default:       break;   }    switch (sourcetype) {     case messagesourcetypep2p:     {       [dict setobject:tocontactid forkey:@"to"];     }       break;     case messagesourcetypegroup:     {       [dict setobject:tocontactid forkey:@"gid"];     }       break;     default:       break;   }    nsdata *data = [nsjsonserialization datawithjsonobject:dict options:0 error:nil];    if(isconnected)     [_websocket send:data];   else     [self reconnect]; } 

update notification: method

- (void)notification:(nsdictionary *)dict {   [[notificationmanager sharedmanager] reloadrequestscount];   [[notificationmanager sharedmanager] reloadnotificationcount];    if (dict != nil) {      notificationtype type = [[dict objectforkey:@"notificationtype"] intvalue];     nsnumber *contactid = [dict objectforkey:@"notificationcreatorid"];     if ([contactid iskindofclass:[nsstring class]]) {       contactid = [nsnumber numberwithlonglong:[contactid longlongvalue]];     }      [[settingmanager sharedsettingmanager] playsoundwhenmessagereceived:contactid];      switch (type) {       case notificationtypeaddfriend:       case notificationtypeacceptfriend:       {         friend *myfriend = [fetchreq fetchfriendwithfriendid:contactid owneruserid:_contactid];          if (myfriend == nil){           if(type == notificationtypeacceptfriend) {             nsnumber *notificationid = [dict objectforkey:@"notificationid"];             [fetchreq notificationwithnotificationid:notificationid];           }         }else{           myfriend.sendingrequest = @no;           myfriend.friend.sendingrequest = @no;            [appdelegate savecontext];         }       }         break;       case notificationtypedeletefriend:       {         user *user = [fetchreq fetchuserwithuserid:contactid];         userentity *entity = [[userentity alloc] initwithuser:user];         entity.user = user;         [entity removewithrelated];         break;       }       default:       {         nsnumber *notificationid = [dict objectforkey:@"notificationid"];         [fetchreq notificationwithnotificationid:notificationid];       }         break;     }   }    [appdelegate savecontext]; } 


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