nlp - Why does my NamedEntityAnnotator for date mentions differ from CoreNLP demo's output? -

the date detected following program gets split 2 separate mentions whereas detected date in ner output of corenlp demo single should be. should edit in program correct this.

properties props = new properties(); props.setproperty("annotators", "tokenize, ssplit, pos, lemma, ner, entitymentions"); stanfordcorenlp pipeline = new stanfordcorenlp(props);  string text =  "this software released on februrary 5, 2015."; annotation document = new annotation(text); pipeline.annotate(document); list<coremap> sentences = document.get(sentencesannotation.class);  for(coremap sentence: sentences) {       list<coremap> mentions = sentence.get(mentionsannotation.class);       if (mentions != null) {               (coremap mention : mentions) {                      system.out.println("== token=" + mention.get(textannotation.class));                      system.out.println("ner=" + mention.get(namedentitytagannotation.class));                      system.out.println("normalized ner=" + mention.get(normalizednamedentitytagannotation.class));               }        } } 

output program:

== token=februrary 5, ner=date normalized ner=****0205 == token=2015 ner=date normalized ner=2015   

output corenlp online demo: enter image description here

note online demo showing sequence of consecutive tokens same ner tag belonging same unit. consider sentence:

the event happened on february 5th january 9th. 

this example yields "february 5th january 9th" single date in online demo.

yet recognizes "february 5th" , "january 9th" separate entity mentions.

your sample code looking @ mentions, not ner chunks. mentions not being shown online demo.

that being said, not sure why sutime not joining february 5th , 2015 in example. bringing up, improving module fix issue in future releases.


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