c# - Stop ReSharper or Visual Studio from reformatting my code -

i working on windows form application, , setting text of labels in initializecomponent() method of myform.designed.cs. i'm setting function call looks first line, keeps getting reformatted second line. first line works perfectly, it's it's getting reformatted.

this.teamgroup.text = localizedlanguage.getvalue("selectedteamlabel"); this.teamgroup.text = "selected team"; 

additionally, happening tabindex well.

i have:

  • c# 6.0
  • visual studio 2015 community
  • resharper 10.0.2

jacob, shouldn't modify code inside initializecomponent manually.

/// <summary> /// required method designer support - not modify /// contents of method code editor. /// </summary> private void initializecomponent() 

if want add components use following approach:

public yourform ()     {         initializecomponent();         custominitializecomponent();     }      private void custominitializecomponent()     {         teamgroup.text = localizedlanguage.getvalue("selectedteamlabel");     } 


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