javascript - How to collect strings, sent from angularJS, in NodeRED array? -

i'm trying collect strings send angularjs nodered array. angularjs code looks this

 this.user =    {      medname1: '',      medtime1: ''    },    {      medname2: '',      medtime2: ''    },    {     medname3: '',     medtime3: ''    }; 

i'm collecting form data in medname1, medtime1,.. , on. i'm trying send data, on websocket, 1 one nodered using following code

 this.register = function() {  $scope.sock.send(this.user.medname1);  $scope.sock.send(this.user.medtime1);  $scope.sock.send(this.user.medname2);  $scope.sock.send(this.user.medtime2);  $scope.sock.send(this.user.medname3);  $scope.sock.send(this.user.medtime3); } 

register() called when click on "submit" button.

my question - how store these strings in nodered array?. because way i'm sending it, string gets stored in array index 0, overwriting previous string. tried


but sends entire thing string nodered makes impossible extract values assigned medname1, medtime1, , on.

can please suggest way!.. i'll appreciate help.

if send json.stingify version, can use json node in node-red flow convert javascript object want.


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