c# - The type initializer for 'System.Transactions.Diagnostics.DiagnosticTrace' threw an exception -

i need solving error.

error {"the type initializer 'system.transactions.diagnostics.diagnostictrace' threw exception."}

using access database , platform build configuration cpu.

sometimes code runs , throws exception. there many similar questions asked here none of them solving error.

this connection string

dbpath = @"d:\ek.mdb"; connectionstring =@"provider=microsoft.jet.oledb.4.0;data source="+dbpath+";user id=admin;password=;"; 

this function open connection
getting error on con.open()

public bool openconnection()         {             if (con == null)             {                 con = new oledbconnection(connectionstring);             }             else if ((con.state == connectionstate.broken || con.state == connectionstate.closed) && (con.state!=connectionstate.open))             {                 con.open();                 tx = con.begintransaction(isolationlevel.readcommitted);                 return true;             }             else if (isconnectionbusy())             {                 throw new dataexception("connection busy");             }             return false;         } 

this how close connection after executing queries

public boolean closeconnection()         {             if(isconnectionbusy())                 throw new dataexception("connection busy");             if (con.state==connectionstate.open)             {                 tx.commit();                 con.close();                 return true;             }             return false;         } public bool isconnectionbusy()     {         switch (con.state)         {             case connectionstate.connecting:             case connectionstate.executing:             case connectionstate.fetching:                 return true;         }         return false;     } 

i cannot find why runs , throws exception.
appreciated. have tried solving error couldn't.

have noticed @ line.

 else if ((con.state == connectionstate.broken || con.state == connectionstate.closed) && (con.state!=connectionstate.open)) 

connection in closed state. when executing con.open() statement connection state changes open , after error thrown.
while debugging error not caused. caused when don't put breakpoint @ place.
@ con.open() when put breakpoint , stop there few seconds first time there no error thrown. after if disable breakpoint , no error thrown...!!!

changed database sqlite , working smoothly...
think in access db there problems transactions.
it got resolved changing database. still not sure causing weird error.


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