javascript - Div fading in and out -

i need help, working on website want div delay 2 seconds fade in when div clicked, when want click again (to close it) want fade out instantly. help?

if can use jquery, following code got want: default css:


and jquery code:

$('body').on('click', '.boxbutton1', function(){         var counter = $(this).data('count');         if(counter == undefined){             counter = 0;             settimeout(function() {                 $('.gymtext').fadein(500)//fadein after 2 seconds(2000 ms)             }, 2000);         }         else if(counter == 0){             $('.gymtext').fadeout(function(){                 $('.gymtext').remove()             });//fadeout remove         }     }) 

i tried write down novice friendly if needed add comment


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