Numbers at the end of a URL Magento 1.9 -

on our website used have loads of links had 4 digits on end of them. looked  

the urls numbers had overridden normal url 

we got rid of them truncating core_url_rewrite table , turned active url's numbers @ end of them 404's.

however, have noticed these numbers have come , i'm not sure why. however, time effecting category urls of our category urls like: 

i found article on stackoverflow useful: magento - removing numbers in url key/product url .

however still don't understand why happening. found function getunusedpath causing these numbers happen , looks create numbers @ end of url

if ($rewrite && $rewrite->getid())  // , $rewrite` equal  $rewrite = $this->getresource()->getrewritebyrequestpath($requestpath, $storeid); 

do know can find out

getresource()->getrewritebyrequestpath($requestpath, $storeid); 

does? why getting these numbers appearing @ end of url? have setting turned on this? (the file located in

app/code/core/mage/catalog/model/url.php around `line 640`  

i tried different types of saving product see if when save magento updates url doesn't work. tried reindex url rewrites , didn't either. have 2 magento websites , on our second magento website isn't happening , core_url_rewrite table doesn't have of urls numbers in it. why happening 1 of our sites , not other? how can stop urls having numbers added on them , how can find out why being generated?

i have found out happens every time url rewrites reindex script running every time it's reindexed. index


every time save product. use unique urls our products don't know why happening. have discovered numbers added on end of url has fit regex query


(does know means? have tried in regex calculator , doesn't me make sense of strings fit this?


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