swift - accessibilityPerformEscape does not dismiss UIAlertController -

i'm trying show uialertcontoller , dismiss when voiceover user performs scrub gesture:

override func accessibilityperformmagictap() -> bool {         showpopup()         return true     }      override func accessibilityperformescape() -> bool {         print("close")         return true     }      func showpopup(){         basealert = uialertcontroller(title: "popup", message: "choose option", preferredstyle: .alert)         let firstaction = uialertaction(title: "method 1", style: .default) { (alert: uialertaction!) -> void in             print("one")         }          let secondaction = uialertaction(title: "method 2", style: .default) { (alert: uialertaction!) -> void in             print("two")         }          let thirdaction = uialertaction(title: "method 3", style: .default) { (alert: uialertaction!) -> void in             print("three")         }          let closeaction = uialertaction(title: "close", style: .destructive) { (alert: uialertaction!) -> void in             print("close")             self.accessibilityperformescape()         }          basealert.addaction(firstaction)         basealert.addaction(secondaction)         basealert.addaction(thirdaction)             basealert.addaction(closeaction)          basealert.accessibilityhint = "pop menu"         presentviewcontroller(basealert, animated: true, completion:             {                     self.textfield.becomefirstresponder()             }         )       } 

the above code shows uialertcontroller , when perform scrub gesture not react it, when alert not shown or dismissed escape gesture works.

you need add code dismiss uialertcontroller in accessibilityperformescape(), returning true not enough.


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