VBA Exporting PDF from Excel in 2 copies -

i'm looking solution export couple of sheets excel 1 file pdf. i've recorded macro creates nice pdf interesting me sheets. need 2 copies of 1 of sheets in same pdf, don't know how it. here code.

sub exportpdf()       sheets(array("packinglist", "administracyjny", "nadawca", "odbiorca", "przewoźnik")).select       sheets("packinglist").activate       chdir "c:\users\xxxxxx\desktop"       activesheet.exportasfixedformat type:=xltypepdf, filename:= _         "c:\users\xxxxxx\desktop\spools_packinglist.pdf", _         quality:=xlqualitystandard, includedocproperties:=true, _         ignoreprintareas:=false,  openafterpublish:= false   end sub 

see here copying worksheet, might workaround copy entire worksheet @ start of code, , can delete @ end (taken here):

sub sbdeleteasheet() sheet1.delete 'or can mention sheet name sheets("sheet2").delete end sub 


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