How can I do search by using elasticsearch in Rails? -

my search working fine. have type "1" or "2" results of "roommate" or "sublet". model has column called category_id integer. model category has column :name string.

thus, have category_id 1 having "roommate" , 2 "sublet"

below housing model:

class housing < activerecord::base     extend friendlyid     friendly_id :title, use: :slugged     include elasticsearch::model     include elasticsearch::model::callbacks      belongs_to :user     belongs_to :category      validates :title, :presence => true     validates :category_id, :presence => true     validates :created_at, :presence => false     validates :user_email, :presence => true     validates :description, :presence => false     validates_length_of :title, :maximum => 30      def         {           query: {             # multi_match: {             simple_query_string: {               query: query,               fields: ['title^10', 'category_id']             }           }         }       )     end  end 

how can fix fields: ['title^10', 'category_id'] user can search "roommate" instead of must search integer "1" result of roommate ?

i tried fields: ['title^10', ''] not working.

fields: ['title^10', ''] won't work unless have correct mapping defined. elasticsearch doesn't know associations. es document store , searches records using it's own document store. unless add category name document stored in es, won't able search it.


define mapping. example:

mapping dynamic: 'strict'     indexes :category       indexes :name     end     indexes :title end 

here category stored nested object inside index , hence searchable using


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