image - How to make word wrap limited by stringlength in pixels (PHP) -

im trying sign image gd.

i have line of text, may this: "this long line of text"

if use 60th font, wont fit in image, need how wordwrap

now i'm using loop doing word wrap limited number of symbols , adding text image line line..

$words = explode(" ", $text); if (strlen($words[0]) > 20)     $output = substr($words[0], 0, 20); else {     $output = array_shift($words);     while (strlen($output . " " . $words[0]) <= 20) {         $output .= " " . array_shift($words);     } } $text = $str2 = substr($text, strlen($output));  list($left,, $right) = imageftbbox($font_sizet, 0, $font_path, $output); $width = $right - $left; $leftx = (740 - $width) / 2; $topy = (560 + $i * 30); imagettftext($img, $font_sizet, 0, $leftx, $topy, $white, $font_path, $output); 

the problem script if first letters going "wwwwwwwwwww", image fit 10 symbols... , if first letters going "llllllllllll" text short.

the width of text cant determine using line:

list($left,, $right) = imageftbbox( $font_sizet, 0, $font_path, $output); $width = $right - $left; 

<- think somehow can use $width in loop compare maxlength

how can change limiting number of symbols limiting number of pixels (lets say, want line no longer 300px)?


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