How to remove DATABASECHANGELOG from liquibase sql diff output? -

i use liquidbase compare 2 databases:

call liquibase --driver=com.mysql.jdbc.driver ^   --classpath=../lib/mysql-connector-java-5.1.20-bin.jar ^   --url="jdbc:mysql://localhost:3306/skryb" ^   --username=skryb ^   --password=skryb ^   --changelogfile=%build%.xml ^   updatesql > %build%.sql 2>e2 

how can avoid lines this:

insert intodatabasechangelog.....

in output sql?


you can't... these essential operations used track changesets applied database.

you pass sql thru sort of filter, you'd end sql not represent operations liquibase perform. more importantly if applied filtered sql database, you'd cause later problems liquibase should attempt automatic migration (it think changeset unapplied).

i'm guessing you're trying show sql 3rd party dba? in case show them liquibase doing, demonstrate how each change database being recorded. sell audit feature of application.


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