android - React-Native How to update text value -
i'm new on topic. having class called barkodokuycu. in class when barcodereceived(e) called need change text value in { < tv/>}. want change score value don't know how that.
since being newbie on subject great know if messy or can made better in code.
note: styles deleted before posting question.
import react, { appregistry, component, stylesheet, text, listview, touchableopacity, scrollview, view, } 'react-native'; import barcodescanner 'react-native-barcodescanner-master'; class barkodokuyucu extends component { constructor(props) { super(props); this.state = { torchmode: 'off', cameratype: 'back', barkodno: '123123', loaded: false, }; } barcodereceived(e) { console.log('barcode: ' +; console.log('type: ' + e.type); } render() { return ( <view style={styles.container}> <view style={styles.kameracontainer}> <barcodescanner onbarcoderead={this.barcodereceived} style={styles.kamera} torchmode={this.state.torchmode} cameratype={this.state.cameratype} /> </view> {<tv/>} <scrollview ref={(scrollview) => { _scrollview = scrollview; }} automaticallyadjustcontentinsets={false} onscroll={() => { console.log('onscroll!'); }} scrolleventthrottle={200} style={styles.scroolviewstyle}> {} </scrollview> <touchableopacity style={styles.button} onpress={this.butonclick}> <text>scroll top</text> </touchableopacity> </view> ); } butonclick(){ console.log('butonpressed!'); _scrollview.scrollto({y: 0}); } } var tv = react.createclass({ getinitialstate() { return { score: 0 } }, componentdidmount() { this.setstate({ score: 6 }) }, btnclick(){ this.setstate({ score: 16 }); console.log('view clicsa!'); }, render() { return ( <view style={styles.container2}> <text style={styles.instructions} > {this.state.score} </text> </view> ); } }); appregistry.registercomponent('barcodoku', () => barcodoku); var thumbs = ['a','b','c']; thumbs = thumbs.concat(thumbs); // double length of thumbs var createthumbrow = (uri, i) => <thumb key={i} uri={uri} />; var thumb = react.createclass({ shouldcomponentupdate: function(nextprops, nextstate) { return false; }, render: function() { return ( <view style={styles.barkodstyle}> <text style={styles.barkodtextstyle} >{this.props.uri}</text> </view> ); } }); appregistry.registercomponent('barkodokuyucu', () => barkodokuyucu);
react native state driven
this.state = { add this---> data: "", add this---> type: "" };
and update state on function call
barcodereceived(e) { this.setstate({ data:, type: e.type }) console.log('barcode: ' +; console.log('type: ' + e.type); }
this update state , component re-renders updating value. (reactjs - render called time "setstate" called?)
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