hibernate - tables used by spring security? -

i'm developing web application using spring mvc users management , , want add security layer using spring security

for managing users have table ùser`in database :

id name email role contact 

i've tried add login , password column previous table , change sql statement :

<authentication-manager>     <authentication-provider>      <jdbc-user-service data-source-ref="datasource"             users-by-username-query="select login,password,enabled user login=? "             authorities-by-username-query="select login,role user  login =?  " />     </authentication-provider> </authentication-manager> 

but authentication failed !

i want ask if there specific schema of tables used spring security because tutorials i've seen, use table user_id , login , passwordand other authorities user_id , enabled

is possible use 1 table containing information users , login , password ?

ps : i'm using hibernate add, delete users , has influence on authentication ?

sorry question i'm new framework .


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