mysql - Clone tables including more than one pk -

i'd clone table onto these statements:

insert clone_table1 select alias.* table1 alias inner join table2 b on alias.pidm = b.user alias.pidm "2016%" , b.userstate = 30; 

yes work well, until there more 1 alias.pidm on table1.


id | pidm | field1 | field2 ---------------------------  1 |   5  |   aa   |  bb  2 |   5  |   cc   |  dd  3 |   5  |   ee   |  ff 


user | field1 | userstate -------------------------  5   |   kk   |    30  6   |   jj   |    40 

so, field can identify each other between table1.pidm , table2.user.

so question is: how can insert where table1.pidm=5 , table2.userstate=30 rows clone_table1 ?

thanks in advance.

insert clone_table1 select alias.* table1 alias left join table2 b on alias.pidm = b.user , b.userstate = 30 alias.pidm "2016%" 


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