java - FFMPEG overlay transparent background -

i new integrating ffmpeg android , able achieve creating video static images problem overlay of 2nd video showing black background. credit:[ffmpegcontroller]

this code

ffmpeg -y, -i, mov.mp4, -filter_complex, [1]scale=iw+200:ih+200 [pip]; [0][pip] overlay=main_w-overlay_w-100:main_h-overlay_h-200, -i, ffmpeg , -vf, zoompan=d=25+'50*eq(in,3)'+'100*eq(in,5)', -strict, -2, -vcodec, mpeg4, -t, 6, -c:v, libx264, -pix_fmt, yuv420p,mov2.mp4 

need transparent background 1st video visible clearly...thanks in advance.


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