MySQL Summary in new column -
i have 2 tables consist set of data below , want result in result have calculation in field balance:
i stuck on balance field, how balance running?
in_date | code | in_qty -----------|---------|--------- 2016-04-01 | aaa | 100 2016-04-02 | aaa | 100 2016-04-03 | aaa | 200 2016-04-06 | aaa | 400
out_date | code | out_qty -----------|---------|--------- 2016-04-02 | aaa | 100 2016-04-08 | aaa | 400
date | code | in_qty | out_qty | balance -----------|---------|----------|----------|--------- 2016-04-01 | aaa | 100 | 0 | 100 2016-04-02 | aaa | 100 | 0 | 200 2016-04-02 | aaa | 0 | 100 | 100 2016-04-03 | aaa | 200 | 0 | 300 2016-04-06 | aaa | 400 | 0 | 700 2016-04-08 | aaa | 0 | 400 | 300
query (thanks @1000111)
select t.*, @prevbalance := (t.in_qty - t.out_qty) + ifnull(@prevbalance,0) balance ( select in_date date, code, in_qty, 0 out_qty tblin union select out_date, code, 0, out_qty tblout ) t , (select @prevbalance := null) var order;
this query result in result, if want kind of result. mysql summary upto 2016-04-03 single line , continue detail next date.
date | code | in_qty | out_qty | balance -----------|---------|----------|----------|--------- 2016-04-03 | aaa | 0 | 0 | 300 2016-04-06 | aaa | 400 | 0 | 700 2016-04-08 | aaa | 0 | 400 | 300
try query.. tested 2016-04-02
feel free change 1 line commented change date date like
select @startdate date, -- below determine code since code has come somewhere -- we'll select code of latest date before -- or equal @startdate (select tcode.code (select code,in_date tblin in_date <= @startdate union select code,out_date tblout out_date <= @startdate)tcode order tcode.in_date desc limit 1 ) code, 0,0, balance (select @prevbalance :=(select sum(in_qty) tblin, -- change date in below line date desire @startdate used throughout whole query (select @startdate := date('2016-04-02'))tdate in_date <= @startdate)- (select sum(out_qty) tblout out_date <= @startdate) balance)t4 union select * (select t.*,@balance := @balance + (t.in_qty - t.out_qty) balance (select in_date date,code,in_qty,0 out_qty tblin in_date > @startdate union select out_date, code, 0, out_qty tblout out_date > @startdate )t,(select @balance:=@prevbalance)initial order asc,t.in_qty desc )t3;
update prevent null use ifnull()
select @startdate date, -- below determine code since code has come somewhere -- we'll select code of latest date before -- or equal @startdate (select tcode.code (select code,in_date tblin in_date <= @startdate union select code,out_date tblout out_date <= @startdate)tcode order tcode.in_date desc limit 1 ) code, 0,0, balance (select @prevbalance :=ifnull((select sum(in_qty) tblin, -- change date in below line date desire @startdate used throughout whole query (select @startdate := date('2016-03-02'))tdate in_date <= @startdate)- (select sum(out_qty) tblout out_date <= @startdate),0 ) balance )t4 union select * (select t.*,@balance := @balance + (t.in_qty - t.out_qty) balance (select in_date date,code,in_qty,0 out_qty tblin in_date > @startdate union select out_date, code, 0, out_qty tblout out_date > @startdate )t,(select @balance:=@prevbalance)initial order asc,t.in_qty desc )t3;
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