android - simple way to convert View to Matcher<View> in espresso -

for ins, following example, hope first set listener , them work espresso, how implement tomatcher

@test     public void testspinner2() throws exception {         r.launchactivity(null);         spinner sp = (spinner) r.getactivity().findviewbyid(;         sp.setonclicklistener(new view.onclicklistener() {             @override             public void onclick(view v) {                //do smth             }         });          onview(tomatcher(sp));     } 

i guess following code can work:

public static matcher<view> tomatcher(final view v) {         return new typesafematcher<view>() {             @override             protected boolean matchessafely(view item) {                 return item == v;             }              @override              public void describeto(description description) {                 description.appendtext(v.tostring());             }         };     } 


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