flyway - Completely auto DB upgradable Spring boot application -

i trying use flyway db migrations , spring boot's flyway support auto-upgrading db upon application start-up , subsequently database used jpa layer

however requires schema present in db primary datasource initialization successful. options available run sql script create required schema before flyway migrations happen.

note if use flyway gradle plugin (and give url jdbc:mysql://localhost/mysql. create schema me. wondering if make happen java code on application startup.

flyway not support full installation when schema empty, migration-by-migration execution. though add schema/user creation scripts in first migration, though migration scripts need executed sysdba/root/admin user , need set current schema @ beginning of each migration.

if using flyway, least problematic way install schema first time manually , baseline flyway task (also manually). ready next migrations done automatically.

although flyway great tool database migrations not cover particular use case (installing schema first time).


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