How to set the default font size on vim? -

i trying configure default settings gui vim. made research on web, solutions found , tried did not working.

here of things tried (in .vimrc file) :

set guifont = monaco:h20 set guifont=monospace 20 

actually don't care monaco font.

for first 1 remove spaces. whitespace matters set command.

set guifont=monaco:h20 

for second 1 should (the h specifies height)

set guifont=monospace:h20 

my recommendation setting font (if version supports it)

set guifont=* 

this pop menu allows select font. after type

set guifont? 

to show current guifont set to. after copy line vimrc or gvimrc. if there spaces in font add \ escape space.

set guifont=monospace\ 20 


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