PHP HTML Form Encode + Sign? -

i have api based search tool created in php , running inside of iframe on wordpress powered site. users fill out search form , using .post function upon click submit information passed second page populated url , returns json results.

for reason form no longer treats spaces plus signs. i've search high , low , i'm not sure if it's wordpress or server itself. code or else @ play.

i'm wondering if there way force or direct browser treat spaces + signs?

ultimate problem search criteria needs pass + signs onto next page fboresults.php , not.

here's form...

<form name="search action="fboresults.php" method="post">       <div style="float:left;">         <lable for="searchterm">search criteria: </label>             <input type="text" name="searchterm"/></br></br>     </div>     <div style="float:right;">         <lable for="searchby">search by:</label>             <select name="searchby">                 <option value="fbo" selected="selected">fbo</option>                 <option value="”:"></option>              </select>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;<input type="submit" value="search"/> 

thanks , appreciate taking time read this!

to encode data can use unescape feature built java script. can use base64 encode data.

or if need encrypted can encrypt using public encryption key , have piece of code locally decode data via private key. more information on research 'public, private encryption keys.'


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