android - SwipeMenuListView new Row added is showing First time data -

i've read many of previous posts on topic, i'm not getting right.

i have adapter has private values of items in list. when update values(add new items), watch value in debugger , "getview" func , see value correct.

but actual rowview see first item in list.

i have no clue may cause this.

this listview on same activity while show different layout , hide listview add new item.

can there connection while listview visibility "gone"? when remove items it updates listview fine(that done when listview visible).

private void updateadapter() {     this.values.clear();     this.values.addall(staticlistindifferentclass);     notifydatasetchanged(); } 

~~~~update~~~~ ok, discovered cause of problem, though i'm not sure why is. code fine way with regular listview bug on:


try use listview.invalidateviews

this should cause views rebuilding


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