javascript - jquery resizable() not working (with example) -

please see work in progress:

my goal allow drag , drop desktop onto page, , following drag image around resize it. should able drop image onto page , drag around.

however, what doesn't work resizing of image. there no handle displayed @ frame around image , it's impossible resize it. no errors in console.

the relevant code here:

hdl.resizable({     aspectratio: true,     autohide: true,     alsoresize: "#coverimage",     handles: 'all',     resize: function(event, ui) {     cvr         .css('left', ui.position.left)         .css('top',;     } }); 

where hdl short form $('#handler') in assets/script.js file. should note has been copied verbatim jsfiddle: works fine, obviously.

i can't seem find problem code. thank eagle-eyed insights may have.

having inspected @rrr's jsfiddle, , comparing line line code, ended discovering not including one, turns out, vital css file jquery ui suite. line missing:

<link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="//"> 

in fairness correct solution provided @rrr, unfortunately not in full-blown answer in comment.


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