python - Group vertices in clusters using NetworkX -

i trying represent graphically graphs, , need group in clusters nodes have common characteristics.

i using networkx, , need similar graph this tutorial, slide 44, left figure.

i want draw delimiting line around each cluster. current code that:

    vec = self.colors     colors = (linspace(0,1, len (set (vec)))* 20 + 10)     nx.draw_circular(g, node_color=array([colors[x] x in vec]))     show () 

i wish find example , see how can use networkx cluster graph.

i'm not positive question is. think you're asking "how networkx put nodes close together"

before launch answer, drawing documentation networkx here:

so figure you're asking has 4 different communities clustered based on having lots of edges within each community , not many outside.

if don't want put effort it, spring_layout putting tightly knit communities together. basic algorithm of spring_layout acts if edges springs (and nodes repel). lots of edges keeps nodes close together. note initializes positions randomly, each time you'll different output.

the easiest way just


but maybe want more. if want to, can fix every single node's position. define dict, named pos.

pos = {} node in g.nodes_iter():     pos[node] = (xcoord, ycoord). 

where xcoord , ycoord coordinates want node at.

then draw_networkx(g, pos = pos)

that's lot of effort. tell few of them have in particular places, , let networkx rest

define fixedpos few nodes , run spring_layout telling nodes fixed , giving fixedpos initial positions. hold fixed , fit else around.

here code generates network has 4 connected parts , few other edges between them. (actually generates complete network , deletes few edges between these parts). draws simple spring layout. fixes 4 of them @ corners of square , places other nodes around fixed positions.

import networkx nx import random import pylab py math import floor  g = nx.complete_graph(20)  edge in g.edges():     if floor(edge[0]/5.)!=floor(edge[1]/5.):         if random.random()<0.95:             g.remove_edge(edge[0],edge[1])   nx.draw_spring(g)   fixedpos = {1:(0,0), 6:(1,1), 11:(1,0), 16:(0,1)} pos = nx.spring_layout(g, fixed = fixedpos.keys(), pos = fixedpos)  nx.draw_networkx(g, pos=pos) 

you can specify weights edges, pass weights spring_layout , larger weights tell keep corresponding nodes closer together. once you've identified communities, increase weights within communities/clusters if necessary keep them close together.

note can specify color make each node, straightforward specify color each community/cluster.

if want draw curves around each of clusters, you'll have through matplotlib.


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