c# - 2D basic movement UNITY -
currently character works on keyboard, when convert movements touch, through 3 ui buttons (i tried ui image too, success) i'm not succeeding
it goes right, left, , jumps.
how should make follow these instructions:
when user presses directional, character not stop walking until user user releases button, , when press jump player jump.
this script use move through keyboard!
using unityengine; using system.collections; public class player : monobehaviour { public float velocity; public transform player; private animator animator; public bool isgrounded; public float force; public float jumptime = 0.4f; public float jumpdelay = 0.4f; public bool jumped = false; public transform ground; private gerenciador gerenciador; // use initialization void start () { gerenciador = findobjectoftype (typeof(gerenciador)) gerenciador; animator = player.getcomponent<animator> (); gerenciador.startgame (); } // update called once per frame void update () { move (); } void move () { isgrounded = physics2d.linecast (this.transform.position, ground.position, 1 << layermask.nametolayer ("floor")); animator.setfloat ("run", mathf.abs (input.getaxis ("horizontal"))); if (input.getaxisraw ("horizontal") > 0) { transform.translate (vector2.right * velocity * time.deltatime); transform.eulerangles = new vector2 (0, 0); } if (input.getaxisraw ("horizontal") < 0) { transform.translate (vector2.right * velocity * time.deltatime); transform.eulerangles = new vector2 (0, 180); } if (input.getbuttondown ("vertical") && isgrounded && !jumped) { // rigidbody2d.addforce (transform.up * force); getcomponent<rigidbody2d> ().addforce (transform.up * force); jumptime = jumpdelay; animator.settrigger ("jump"); jumped = true; } jumptime -= time.deltatime; if (jumptime <= 0 && isgrounded && jumped) { animator.settrigger ("ground"); jumped = false; } } }
c# if possible, remember using canvas ui these buttons =]
for jump action, need button. gameobject->ui->button. replace image own image , click "set native size". re-size button size that's game.
attach button jump button slot script below.
public button jumpbutton; void jumpbuttoncallback() { // rigidbody2d.addforce (transform.up * force); getcomponent<rigidbody2d>().addforce(transform.up * force); jumptime = jumpdelay; animator.settrigger("jump"); jumped = true; } void onenable(){ //un-register button jumpbutton.onclick.addlistener(() => jumpbuttoncallback()); } void ondisable(){ //un-register button jumpbutton.onclick.removealllisteners(); }
for left , right movement buttons,you should not use button
component them jump button. have implement virtual joystick make realistic. unity have assets called crossplatforminputmanager can that. have import , modify little bit in order use it. watch this understand how import it.
now, can replace input.getaxis
, input.getaxisraw
functions crossplatforminputmanager.getaxis("horizontal")
, crossplatforminputmanager.getaxisraw("horizontal")
if work, can use below make code comptible both mobile , desktop.
#if unity_editor || unity_standalone || unity_webgl //put input.getaxis` , `input.getaxisraw` code here #elif unity_android || unity_ios //put `crossplatforminputmanager.getaxis("horizontal")` , `crossplatforminputmanager.getaxisraw("horizontal")`. here #endif
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