amazon web services - Unit testing activities marked as @ManualActivityCompletion -

i have been working on creating unit tests run local versions of workflow. followed guide initial setup. setup, have been able execute , test workflow. issue arises when attempt unit test activity implementation marked @manualactivitycompletion. appears manual completion activities return within unit tests (not waiting completion/failure call).

i'm wondering if possible unit tests manual completion activities in way. guess is not since have seen no mention of , don't see way create test manualactivitycompletionclient. in case, i'm wondering if has suggestions on how unit test manual completion activities in local workflow. have attempted create workarounds using different threads , synch points, useful test actual behavior of completing/failing activities (exceptions thrown, etc.). may worth mentioning have been able write successful integration unit tests manual completion activities.

any appreciated.

to test workflow logic invokes activity marked @manualactivitycompletion mock client side interface of activity directly. client executes in asynchronous context of workflow can use promises , workflowclock implement tests.


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