java - Auto-update JTable that is populated using a List<T> -
the program allow user make search. search result shown in jtable. user can select row , hit button called "edit" editing on "item".
once info edited , hits ok, jtable not being updated.
table before editing:
user clicks on button "edit" , edits last field jtable still showing old info, it's not being updated
here's code:
public void paneltable(){ paneltable = new jpanel() paneltable.setsize(400, 80); paneltable.setopaque(true); table = new jtable(); modele = new defaulttablemodel(); } public string getdata(int colonnb ,int index){ string datatab = data[colonnb][index] + ""; return datatab; } public void creerjtable(list<pneu> liste){ string[] head= {"a", "b", "c"}; this.liste = liste; data = new object[liste.size()][3]; iterator<pneu> = liste.iterator(); int index = 0; while(it.hasnext()){ pneu unpneu =; data[index][0] = unpneu.construiredecription(); data[index][1] = unpneu.getprix(); data[index][2] = unpneu.getnombrepneus(); index++; } modele.setdatavector(data, head); table.setmodel(modele); table.setrowselectioninterval(0, 0); componentscroll(data,head); nbsearch++; } public void componentscroll(object[][] data, string[] head){ if(nbsearch <= 0){ table.setselectionmode(listselectionmodel.single_selection); table.setfillsviewportheight(true); table.setpreferredscrollableviewportsize(new dimension(500, 80)); table.setmodel(modelecolonnesnoedit(data, head)); table.setrowselectioninterval(0, 0); table.getcolumnmodel().getcolumn(0).setpreferredwidth(250); table.getcolumnmodel().getcolumn(1).setresizable(false); table.getcolumnmodel().getcolumn(1).setpreferredwidth(50); table.getcolumnmodel().getcolumn(2).setresizable(false); table.getcolumnmodel().getcolumn(2).setpreferredwidth(50); jscrollpane scrollpane = new jscrollpane(table); scrollpane.setpreferredsize(new dimension(500, 60)); panotab.add(scrollpane); } } private defaulttablemodel modelecolonnesnoedit(object[][] data, string[] head) { return new defaulttablemodel(data, head) { boolean[] columneditables = new boolean[] { false, false, false}; public boolean iscelleditable(int row, int column) { return columneditables[column]; } }; }
i fixed calling again method creerjtable , passing new list !
it 1 line of code : creerjtable(uneliste);
thank effort guys!
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