onclick - Android onCreate flow -

i'm new android development , working these days on first app. in activity, in oncreate function make 2 function calls , each of 2 functions has different onclicklistener different buttons.

everything works fine , question why?

i mean how possible both of listeners functions "work" on same time app runs in parallel way? in head thought once app reach onclicklistener stop , wait buttonclick event can see can click on button1 , happens , click on button2 , else happens (as should).

i want explaination, in general, way (flow) app work/ handles functions of listeners , click events.

thank you, noam

i totally understand mean.
button.setonclicklistener(this) means button tells activity has click event. app won't pause or wait until button event executed. when different widget clicked, it's own click event executed.


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