powershell - PowerPoint to PDF: Minimum size option -

i attempting convert powerpoint files pdf using powershell , able so. however, trying take 1 step further , select 'minimum size (publishing online)' option through script.

is there property needs set happen? i'm guessing $ppqualitystandard variable not sure.

edit: using currently:

function ppt_to_pdf ($folderpath, $pptname) {     add-type -assemblyname office     $ppformatpdf = 2     $ppqualitystandard = 0     $p = new-object -comobject powerpoint.application     $p.visible = [microsoft.office.core.msotristate]::msotrue     $ppt = $p.presentations.open("$folderpath\$pptname")     $ppt.savecopyas("$folderpath\$pptname", 32)     $ppt.close()     $p.quit()     $p = $null     [gc]::collect()     [gc]::waitforpendingfinalizers() } 

i suspect need use .exportasfixedformat rather .savecopyas.

it takes, among other parameters, intent type ppfixedformatintent, can either:

ppfixedformatintentscreen (=1)


ppfixedformatintentprint (=2)

there's host of other parms. learn more, start ppt, go vba ide , press f2 object browser , search exportasfixedformat


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