titanium - Android Sharing Intent -

is there way can add/list app other apps facebook, gmail, whatsapp , viber in sharing intent on android .? here sample image

i don't how done using titanium, in conventional way (using eclipse), how in 1 of apps:

code: in manifest xml file, add tag shown below. done activity handle data shared user. example, if activity named composer, structure be:

<activity     android:name=".composer"     android:exported="true"     android:windowsoftinputmode="statehidden|adjustresize" >      <intent-filter>         <action android:name="android.intent.action.send" />          <category android:name="android.intent.category.default" />          <data android:mimetype="text/plain" />         <data android:mimetype="image/jpeg" />         <data android:mimetype="image/png" />     </intent-filter> </activity> 

explanation of code:

the key here data tags nested under <intent-filter>. if want app listed when user shares web links, "text/plain" comes play. when want app handle images shared from, say, gallery app, "image/jpeg" , "image/png" entries come play (depending on image file extension). as, however, indicated attached screenshot in op, if need app listed in browsers when sharing web links, <data android:mimetype="text/plain" /> you.

again, not know if code above works as-is in titanium. have never used nor have read on it. may have tweak bit if there difference in how done when using titanium.


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