c# - PL/SQL call doesn't return entire varchar2 return value -

i wrote procedure in pl/sql. @ end of procedure have this:

    create or replace procedure lottery_titlebook(pout_count out varchar2) --get title-book. cursor s1 select * gilads.titlebook;  rand float; randg varchar2(100); titlename varchar2(100); counter number(38); temp number(38); res_row s1%rowtype;   begin  counter := 0;  temp:=0; --make random number generator: randg := to_char(systimestamp,'yyyyddmmhh24missffff'); dbms_random.seed (val => randg);   --count how many title-book in cursor s1 open s1;  loop  fetch s1 res_row;  exit when s1%notfound;  counter := counter +1;  end loop; close s1;  --the random number  1 counter  rand := dbms_random.value(low => 1, high => counter);  --get titlebook.id determined random number: open s1;   loop      fetch s1 res_row;      exit when s1%notfound;      titlename := res_row.title;    temp := temp + 1;         if temp >= rand or temp = counter exit;         end if;  end loop; close s1; --print title book: pout_count:='the winner book is:' ||chr(13)||titlename;  end; 

when call c# "the winner boo". have problem functions.

this c# code:

using (oracleconnection con = new oracleconnection(connect)) {     string temp;     oraclecommand cmd = new oraclecommand();     cmd.connection = con;      cmd.commandtext = "gilads.lottery_titlebook";//שם של פרוצדורה     cmd.commandtype = commandtype.storedprocedure;     cmd.parameters.add("pout_count", oracletype.varchar, 3200).direction =       parameterdirection.output;      try     {         con.open();         int test = cmd.executenonquery();         if (test == 1)             textblock.text = cmd.parameters["pout_count"].value.tostring();         con.close();     }     catch (exception ex)     {         messagebox.show(ex.message, "exception caught");     } 

when set size of parameter 32000 nothing changes. idea wrong? maybe has oracle on localhost ant there setting need do? because in university code works properly

i noticed every time running function different length of string


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