c# - Powerpivot Odata feed provide credentials -

i created odata web services hosted in secure server, access these services, user need provide credentials gets authenticated using cookie (tmg fore front server forms)

how can provide credentials table import wizard > connect data feed ?

as 401 when enter svc , test connection.


quiet weird giving me 401 if button clicked after putting url it, tried start again, instead of adding url, clicked on advance button , can see now,

enter image description here

now if add password , userid, error,

============================ error message: ============================  remote server returned error: (401) unauthorized.  ============================ call stack: ============================     @ system.net.httpwebrequest.getresponse()    @ microsoft.analysisservices.common.datasourcebasic.updatedatafeedparametersinternal(connectionstringbuilder connbuilder, idatasource datasource, boolean checkfeedvalid, boolean fkeepalive)    @ microsoft.analysisservices.common.datasourcebasic.updatedatafeedparameters(connectionstringbuilder connbuilder, idatasource datasource, boolean checkfeedvalid)    @ microsoft.analysisservices.common.datasourcebasic.getcurrentconnectionstring(boolean checkfeedvalid)    @ microsoft.analysisservices.common.datasourcebasic.clicktestconnection(object progresscontrol) 

since happen know sharepoint based solution have been working on think should relevant ...


... , power pivot add on in excel ...


... clicking on option "from odata feed" in menu gives options build query, can specify credentials.

setting query gives ability ...



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