d3.js - Having issue with translate function -

i have coordinatesx , coordinatesy arrays. example if want draw arc between coordinatesx[1] , coordinatesy[4], part of code goes :


    .attr("d", arc)     .attr("fill", "red")     .attr("transform", "translate(coordinatesx[1],coordinatesy[4])"); 

i having problem translate function. says :

error: invalid value attribute transform="translate(coordinatesx[1],coordinatesy[4])"

how can overcome problem?

thanks in advance.

it has single string. salvador pointed out in comments, in example using coordinatesx[1] etc literally. but, if concatenate, javascript creates single string (if add number string, result string). in case:

.attr("transform", "translate(" + coordinatesx[1] + "," + coordinatesy[4]) + ")"); 


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