Moving tests from windows to Linux server - Selenium -

i have tests, using

  • maven 3.1
  • selenide v3.5
  • selenium v2.53
  • firefox v45.0.1

i run them on windows , thing going fine successful run, noticed browser on windows explicitly open , see tests directly on browser.

then need move run on ubuntu server, used xvfb , try run tests. notice:

  1. i can't see graphical browser, search thing , called headless browser.
  2. i got different problems tests, of them couldn't have successful test , others can't find elements! although worked on windows.

my questions, main points have consider while moving our test windows client environment linux server?

i reading headless browsers, have use 1 of them? or selenium can handle issue.

what changes in code have consider run tests on server? or same code should work fine on both environments?

you can use phantomjs (headless browser). better htmlunit driver. see link better understanding.

you can download files linux here

just chrome or firefox drivers, can use phantomjs (or htmlunit driver). os systems not have gui or browser.


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