android - Convert base64 string to Image in Java -

i have image being sent me through json string. want convert string image in android app , display image.

the json string looks this:


note: truncated string ...

i've got function (i think) converts string image. doing right?

public bitmap converttoimage(string image){     try{         inputstream stream = new bytearrayinputstream(image.getbytes());         bitmap bitmap = bitmapfactory.decodestream(stream);                          return bitmap;       }     catch (exception e) {         return null;                 } } 

then try display on android activity this

string image = jsonobject.getstring("barcode_img");          bitmap mybitmap = this.converttoimage(image); imageview cimg = (imageview)findviewbyid(;  //now try setting dynamic image cimg.setimagebitmap(mybitmap); 

however, when this, nothing shows up. don't errors in logcat. doing wrong?


i'm worried need decode base64 string image bytes, in your


string, must data after data:image\/png;base64,, image bytes , decode them:

string imagedatabytes = completeimagedata.substring(completeimagedata.indexof(",")+1);  inputstream stream = new bytearrayinputstream(base64.decode(imagedatabytes.getbytes(), base64.default)); 

this code understand how works, if receive json object should done correct way:

  • converting json string json object.
  • extract string under data key.
  • make sure starts image/png know png image.
  • make sure contains base64 string, know data must decoded.
  • decode data after base64 string image.


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