c++ - exception thrown with sqlite select statement -

i willing access particular element present in coloumn in sqlite database in order achieve have used select statement

char *query = {0};             strcat(query, "select ");//exception thrown here             strcat(query, (char*)arr);//the value asscessed             strcat(query, " cars"); 

but throwing exception in ucrtbased.dll why?


i have referred answer here , tried this,char* line1 = "select "; char* line2 = (char*)arr; char* line3 = " cars"; size_t len1 = strlen(line1); size_t len2 = strlen(line2); size_t len3 = strlen(line3); char *query = (char*)malloc(len1 + len2 + len3 + 1); if (!query) abort(); memcpy(query, line1, len1); memcpy(query + len1, line2, len2); query[len1 + len2 + len3] = '\0';

but found i've done wrong(because out put jumps else statement means invalid sqlite statement) not figure out kindly me.

i referred tutorial @ cplusplus.com not figure out thank you

you have not allocated memory query , trying copy characters it. can create variable on stack char query[256] = {0}; if size known. else can allocate memory dynamically using new[] , release using delete[].


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