java - How to create your own button and Use it with Scene Builder for javafx -

hello i've been curious know possible create own button, in example in photoshop. use "custom button" in place of default ones in scene builder. or there import function can use custom button? started using scene builder not familiar around can , cant do. thank you!

being specific want mold imagine shape. use molded image button. not want use tradition button shape instead custom shape. im not sure if possible tips grateful!

  1. you can style button using css.
  2. if such styling insufficient purposes, can create custom button skin.
  3. if need additional properties button, can subclass button or buttonbase (this how javafx internally implements other button-like things additional properties such checkboxes, togglebuttons, radiobuttons, etc).

either way scene builder doesn't care, there nothing special in scene builder , either option works scene builder. use scene builder place "normal" buttons in application's fxml files , set appropriate css style-class button use custom css and, if necessary, custom skin , button styled accordingly.


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