java - Solution to enum type with too many fields? [Improvement] -

as project gradually expanded, exited enum type need expand fields. example, there 1 enum class named ecityarea, used store city related informs, @ beginning city name necessary, need state informs, alias, image location , db alias etc. enum fields come little large, following codes :

ecityarea(string name,            string state,            string alias,            string imagelocation,            string imagefolder,            string imagealias,            string dbalias) 

all developers can find there many fields, later there may more fields. predictably, ecityarea large , difficult read, there should solutions dilemma.

just now, got 1 idea , share you.

itegrate of fields enum class. following:

ecityareaimagerelated(string imagelocation, string imagefolder, string imagealias)  ecityarea(string name, string state, ecityareaimagerelated imagerelated, string dbalias) 

any other solutions provided? thanks.


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