javascript - dojox/widget/Toaster to show latest one first -

i'm using dojox/widget/toaster show toaster message, have declared as,

<div data-dojo-type="dojox/widget/toaster" id="toast2"                         data-dojo-props='positiondirection:"br-up", messagetopic:"/app/notif", duration:"8000"'>                                 </div> 

and im calling javascript different places as,

connect.publish('/app/notif', [ "<b><font color=\"red\">"+ "toaster message" +". </font></b>" ]); 

but im able see latest message on bottom of toaster,

i need @ top, can suggest how it.

try use tr-down instead of br-up property positiondirection.

options positiondirection message slides screen are:

["br-up", "br-left", "bl-up", "bl-right", "tr-down", "tr-left", "tl-down", "tl-right"]

if issue persists, please consider disable custom css on toaster if any, debug porpoises.

api documentation toaster:


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