Ruby OOP correct concept? -

the exercise questions below answers.

#create tree class rings attribute , getter method. #trees create ring every winter passes #it should have bear_fruit? method should return true if #has fruit year. tree produces fruit when has #more 7 rings less 15, false otherwise. #the class should have winter_season method increases #rings attr 1. 

can give me constructive criticism on code?

class tree    attr_accessor :winters, :rings, :bear_fruit?    def initialize(winters, rings)     @winters = winters     @rings = rings      end    def rings_created     @winters = 0     @rings = 0     while @winters == @rings       @winters +=1       @rings +=1       break if @winters == 100       end    end   end    def bear_fruit     if @rings > 6 || < 16       @bear_fruit? = true     else        @bear_fruit? = false        end   end   def winter_season    @winters = 0    @rings = 0    while @winters < @rings      @winters +=1      @rings +=2      break if @winters == 100       end      end   end  end 

according exercise, supposed create class tree single attribute rings , 2 methods, bear_fruit? , winter_season:

  • create tree class
    • a rings attribute , getter method
    • a bear_fruit? method
      • returns true if tree has more 7 rings less 15
      • returns false otherwise
    • a winter_season method
      • increases rings 1

that's all. doesn't tree should track winters , doesn't mention loops.

here's how implement it:

class tree   attr_reader :rings    def initialize     @rings = 0   end    def bear_fruit?     @rings > 7 && @rings < 15   end    def winter_season     @rings += 1   end end 


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