xamarin.android - CoAP.NET for Xamarin -

my project need use coap.net. after adding coap.net in pcl, android or ios project report error when building. "xamarin.android.common.targets: error: exception while loading assemblies: system.io.filenotfoundexception: not load assembly 'common.logging, version=, culture=neutral, publickeytoken=af08829b84f0328e'. perhaps doesn't exist in mono android profile?"

it seems not support common.logging library, cause add in parts of solution, , cannot added. although, common.logging.core can added.

in ios project choose linker behaviour "don't link", , can builded. in android project, won't work.

does xamarin work coap.net? if not, how use coap?

i assume mean library? appears include ios version of library, not 1 android. can either try build source android (or pcl) library, fixing issues find, or contact author , ask them android support.

if can find native android (java) implementation, created binding library allow use xamarin.


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